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Oakwood Intermediate

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Oakwood Intermediate

Course Descriptions

5th Grade Core Class Descriptions

English/Language Arts explores various genres of literature and writing through the use of readers" and writers" workshop. Responsive and creative writing will be taught so that students will further develop their skills in grammar, vocabulary and self-expression.

*Advanced Language Arts covers the above stated 5th grade concepts and activities while integrating advanced application of topics to literature selections, writing assignments and higher level thinking problems. Students will also access higher level cognitive skills based on student ability. Application of TEKS will be more rigorous than the on-level 5th Grade English/Language Arts course.

Mathematics covers the Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) standards as outlined by the Texas Education Agency. Students will continue to build a foundation of understanding in numerical representations and relationships, computations and algebraic relationships, geometry and measurement, data analysis and personal financial literacy.

Additional Upper Level Math opportunities are available to students who wish to take Credit by Exams for material they would need to show mastery in. For more information visit:

*For a student to enroll in Advanced Language Arts, he/she must have a 1st semester average of at least 90% and must have scored "Masters" Performance on the most current STAAR tests (4th grade Reading AND Writing). Students who qualify will be automatically placed in the advanced course. Students from out of state and private schools will be considered for advanced courses when all school records are received and reviewed.

Science will develop concepts and hands-on experiences in the areas of earth, life and physical sciences. In Grade 5, the study of science includes planning and implementing field and laboratory investigations using scientific methods, analyzing information, making informed decisions, and using tools to collect and record information.

Social Studies explores the history of the United States from its early beginnings to the present with a focus on colonial times through the 20th century. Historical content includes the colonial and revolutionary periods, the establishment of the United States, and issues that led to the Civil War. An overview of major events and significant individuals of the late-19th century and the 20th century is also taught.

5th Grade Elective Class Descriptions

Beginning Orchestra - is a full year course for students who have had no previous string introduction. Instruments offered are violin, viola, cello and bass. Sight-reading, rhythms and basic music theory are introduced at the level. Beginners perform in at least two concerts yearly. Participation in Solo & Ensemble is available to those interested. If a student has any previous experience on a string instrument (violin, viola, cello or bass), parents need to contact the director for performance options. Students must rent or purchase an instrument.

Theatre 5 - in this class, students will get a good foundation in the basics of Theatre. They will learn about pantomime, improvisation, characterization, stage movement and blocking, creating and performing their own skits, along with much more. Theatre provides students with the chance to improve their self-confidence and creativity as well as to feel comfortable in front of an audience and improve their speaking skills. This class is a semester long.

Music- 5th grade exploratory music is designed to provide students with a broad range of musical knowledge, skills and experience, including music literacy, creative expression, historical and cultural relevance and critical evaluation and response. Students will learn proper vocal production and technique, music reading skills, sight-singing skills and performance skills. Music class also offers opportunities for students to develop team building and leadership skills. This class is a semester long.

Art is designed for students who love to create in two and three dimensions. Activities include drawing, painting, ceramics, paper mache, and more! Students at any skill level will feel comfortable and have fun in this exciting and enriching elective, plus you'll take home some great projects! This class is a semester long.