Student Handbook
As required by state law, the board of trustees has officially adopted the Student Code of Conduct in order to promote a safe and orderly learning environment for every student.
We urge you to read this publication thoroughly and to discuss it with your family. If you have any questions about the required conduct and consequences for misconduct, we encourage you to ask for an explanation from the student's teacher or campus administrator.
The Student Code of Conduct is the district's response to the requirements of Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code.
The Code provides methods and options for managing students in the classroom and on school grounds, disciplining students, and preventing and intervening in student discipline problems.
The law requires the district to define misconduct that may-or must-result in a range of specific disciplinary consequences including removal from a regular classroom or campus, out-of-school suspension, placement in a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP), or expulsion from school.
This Student Code of Conduct has been adopted by the College Station Independent School District Board of Trustees and developed with the advice of the district-level committee. This Code provides information to parents and students regarding standards of conduct, consequences of misconduct, and procedures for administering discipline.
In accordance with state law, the Code shall be posted at each school campus or shall be available for review at the office of the campus principal. Additionally, the Code shall be posted on the district's Web site. Parents shall be notified of any conduct violation that may result in a student being suspended, placed in a DAEP, or expelled.
Because the Student Code of Conduct is adopted by the district's board of trustees, it has the force of policy; therefore, in case of conflict between the Code and the student handbook, the Code shall prevail.
Please Note: The discipline of students with disabilities who are eligible for services under federal law (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) is subject to the provisions of those laws.